With a new year now underway, various leagues and tournament seasons are now beginning to start their new seasons once more, and Capcom is no exceptio...
Whether you love him or hate him as a Character, he somehow always finds his way back onto the roster. That's right! Everyone's favorite fighting sava...
This past week has been one interesting week for the Fighting Game Community; mainly due to the discussion and controversy surrounding the recently re...
This past week has been a huge week for Fighting games and the hype train is only going to continue. With the release of Street Fighter V: Arcade Edit...
Call of Duty: World War 2 is only a week away, and while the average Call of Duty player may not know why the coming of WW2 is such a big deal - compe...
The original Pokken Tournament was a title with a ton of competitive potential which was however, unfortunately held back due to the games limiting of...
Competitive Pokemon is not to be slept on, and has definitely been rapidly growing throughout the years, which each and every season featuring larger ...
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite is finally upon us, and with that said, the Fighting Game community has yet another major gem which will not only enhance th...