Another competitive HearthStone season has come and gone, and now, with the year of the Raven coming to an end – a good lot of the HearthStone community is left wondering what’s next in terms of content, rotations, and format, and when exactly we’ll be seeing some of this new stuff.

Fortunately, the wait ahead isn’t a long one as the official HearthStone Esports twitter has recently confirmed that more information regarding the 2019 HearthStone season will be arriving sometime this week!


The timing of the tweet is a bit interesting, as of lately many prominent figures within the HearthStone community have openly expressed their impatience for new information regarding the games upcoming season, as Blizzard has been a bit quiet as of late. As of now, we know a new format is set to be revealed, and obviously certain sets will be rotating out of standard (likely Journey to Un’goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne, and Kobolds & Catacombs.)

Hearthstone’s latest expansion Rasthakhan’s Rumble recently turned two months old this month, so it’s very likely we’ll see a new expansion announcement sometime within the next month and a half or so.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated with all future announcements regarding the 2019 HearthStone Esports season announcements as they are revealed.

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